A big part of the evolution / revolution that occured in the music world of the Elvis Era was the growth in the success of "independent" labels in the pop music market. In the post World War II era, the major labels (RCA, Columbia, Capitol, Mercury, Decca) produced most of the records that made the Billboard Top 100 chart. Smaller labels (the "independents") were more successful in the R&B and Country genres where the profits weren't so lucrative and therefore the majors weren't as involved. As the new music of rock and roll was developing out of the country and r & b sounds, the "indies" were able to gain a foothold and some were able to parlay that success into profits that rivaled the majors. The "Labels" section provides an analysis of the relative success of the labels that had significant chart success for the year as well as a chart of each labels number of top twenty records and their "power rating" from the Billboard Top 100 chart. There is also a list of records by label for the year.
To view the page dedicated to each year, click on the appropriate button below. The same buttons are provided on each "Label" page so you can skip around if you like.