The John Wooden Legacy Awards are presented annually by the National High School Basketball Coaches Association (NHSBCA), in partnership with the John Wooden family and the Wooden Foundation, to 1 male and 1 female coach in each state who is a long-time, active basketball coach who also serves as an outstanding educator and who, through their excellence on the court, in the classroom and in the community, embodies the characteristics of coach John Wooden - Excellence, Longevity, Character, Leadership and Service.

The 2024 male winner for the state of Nebraska was Coach Mick Anderson. Upon receiving the award, Coach Anderson commented "I learned a long time ago, you can't do it alone and you need help and the community stepped up. They bought into the basketball lculture and it's still with us today." The award was presented on 1/23/2025 in the Wahoo gymnasium prior to a game between Wahoo and Waverly. Wahoo won the game 92 - 37.

Jeff Droge (Nebraska Basketball Coaches Association President), Coach Anderson, Kathy Anderson